Sunday 19 May 2013

This Time - Chillout Music from Playfio featuring Angela Sharman (Playfio Music Productions)

Chillout track by Playfio featuring Angela Sharman
Been quite a few months since the Playfio Music blog has been updated. Things have been pretty busy. I’m pleased to release a track that has been sat around collecting dust for some time now.
I first started working on this last year and had help again on the piano from Angela Sharman.

This is another chilled out offering and focuses on the subject of time.  No time like the present! so I’ll get on and introduce this track.

This short but poignant song can be summed up by a quote by Benjamin Franklin – “You may delay, but time will not” – he was the man who as a joke began Daylight saving time. He proposed waking people earlier on bright summer mornings so they might work more during the day and thus save candles. It was introduced in the U.K. in 1917 and then spread around the world.

The track ‘This Time’ has the following lyrics:

You’ll spend ten years of your life in the rat race, 
another five just getting there and back
is it not time to work out what matters
because when you’re gone you’re not getting it back

The other collaboration I worked on with Angela is 'Laid Back'

Written by Rob Playford

Rob Playford founded Playfio Music in early 2012 and produces and writes a variety of music under the name of Playfio. As well as writing music, Rob is always on the lookout for music collaborations with all types of musical artists and creative individuals.

You can find him on Google+ and Twitter - feel free to get in touch.


Time, this time, playfio, playfio music, time quotes, precious time, rob Playford, angela sharman, ben Lomond, Sheffield, this time playfio, chilled, chillout, chilled music, chillout track, chill out, experimental, quote music, inspiring music, inspiring quotes, time quotes, quotes about time