Friday 4 September 2020

'Paper Wait' music video release [Arcadian Resonance]

Featured in PLAYFIO's second studio album
Waiting for the day..This track never started off with the path it's taken me on but then for the vast majority of tracks I write, I never know where it'll take me - that's the sheer beauty of music creation.

Years back in Sheffield I attended and filmed a demonstration that a friend was taking part in. It was 'One Billion Rising' against violence against women:
Sheffield Flash Mob - One Billion Rising - Women Rising Against Violence - 14th Feb 2013.

I guess the thought behind that experience brought about this track in a very round about way some 7 years later. In the past years, this has taken a much needed hold on popular media and rightly so. 

Being lucky enough now to father a daughter myself, and seeing the inequality that besieges these times, if I can in some very small way enforce that message and get more people thinking about this topic then the world of tomorrow will be a better place for gender inequality.

Just finally, as pointed out by a number of my female friends listening/ watching this song/ video - the lyrics 'Keep on running sister' by no means relate to 'running away' rather 'keep on going - keep striving/ fighting/ being' - the lyrics keep on 'going sister' never quite had the same ring about it - the feeling and substance is true nonetheless.  

Links/ Credits:

Written by Rob Playford with Claude Etienne on guitar and the mix and master engineer was Adam Titmuss.

Adam Titmuss
Claude Etienne
Rob Playford

Video footage:
Pocket-sized Feminism: The Short Film: POCKET-SIZED FEMINISM: The Short Film
Women's March: Massive Protests Across World: Women's March: Massive Protests Across U.S., World